Chatbox Thread

Here in OH you pay sales tax on the car at the county rate - between 6.5 and 8%, depending on the county. :eek:

Registration is about $45/yr for traditional ICE vehicles, but the state imposes an extra $100/yr fee on hybrids and another $100 on top of that ($200/yr) for PHEVs and EVs to help recoup lost gas tax revenue. A large portion of the road projects are paid for out of state funds; when gas prices were cheap the voters passed an increase of the base tax rate to 38.5 cents/gallon (on top of the federal tax). There are road projects all over the place - resurfacing is the norm but there have been a lot of re-decking or replacement of bridges that were built 70+ years ago.
There are road projects all over the place - resurfacing is the norm but there have been a lot of re-decking or replacement of bridges that were built 70+ years ago.

This is how you know that taxes are being used for how they're intended, and that's not a problem.
We got a ton of infrastructure money, one of my relatives is working on refurbing bridges all over the state.

That is the base for a pop-up reflector on the interstate. Also known as a road hazard, by the ins co. It happens to 100 or so people a year. I hate to say it, but I like them in the rain.
Nothing in my size, looks like I gotta wait! :bangwall:

I find some of the coolest stuff on Amzon. I play D&D, have since '78. Most of my stuff was stolen while I was in the hospital, but there's awesome stuff available that never was before. Definitely a Geek at heart, lol.
"The makers of Scrabble found that younger people, Gen Z people, don't quite like the competitive nature of Scrabble," he said.

Speaking as a millennial, I don't like scrabble because I got a SNES when I was 5 and scrabble is a board game even my boomer parents thought was lame :tongue:
If it sells even at half that price, all it means is that our cars are appreciating in price.
Does anyone remember me saying that "Camping is just the middle class practicing how to be homeless" over at the old site?

Well, the more and more I do what I do for work in my current role (October 2023 - present), the more and more I'm hardening on that stance.
Homeless people I see tend to be mentally ill / substance abusers. I passed by a homeless guy last Friday with his shopping cart full of shit and I noticed he had a front bumper off a piece of shit Honda or something. Explain the correlation between camping and mental illness please .. I've never seen a bum with a fishing pole or any practical means of survival.
The correlation are the tents.

The mental illness and substance abusers are definitely a large part of the visible homeless population.

Roughly 30% (+/- 5%) of those who are homeless are out on the streets. The remaining homeless population are sheltered homeless. Couch surfers, for example, are sheltered homeless.
I might be homeless now that my wife knows what I spent on my car.

In all seriousness, I am on a board for a nonprofit that helps with housing here. There's a real need for more affordable housing. Also, a real need for mental health programs. Inflation also is a big issue that isn't going away as fast as we hoped.
My first apartment was a $100 a month, waster and heat included, in a 1940's era duplex. They're renting for over $1000 a month, now,The utilities were extra, and the washers'dryer area in the basement is now another apartment.
Are you about to be homeless ?

No, I'm not. However, before my current role at work, I did not know that I was homeless. That was for about 6 months.

I might be homeless now that my wife knows what I spent on my car.

In all seriousness, I am on a board for a nonprofit that helps with housing here. There's a real need for more affordable housing. Also, a real need for mental health programs. Inflation also is a big issue that isn't going away as fast as we hoped.

What I'm seeing is that for the amount of people who need aid, the aid that is provided is but a drop in the bucket. Sure, it's helpful and meaningful for those who receive it, but big picture, it's not a whole lot. Nonprofit doing what you say is commendable, for sure, but that funding has to come from somewhere.

ESG and ERF funds being used for TH (Temporary Housing) and RRH (Rapid Re-Housing) do exactly what you describe.

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